Android Browser Auto-Fit Text Fix

My latest discovery while making one of my client’s design mobile-friendly, was finding that the Android browser has an auto-fit text option pre-selected. When viewing my client’s page on the phone, text would become squished to one-third of the width of the screen. This only happened with the Android browser....


Why is the bootstrap .modal function undefined in Backbone?

So you want to render a .modal from bootstrap.js in Backbone, but get undefined when calling it?

Inside your backbone.view.js, you probably be setting up a render function to render the modal:

render: function() { var context = this.model.toJSON(); this.$el.html(this.temp(context)).appendTo(document.body); this.$el.modal(); return this; },...

Head-bashing CasperJS AJAX Syntax

I have been working on making a small script that uses CasperJS to navigate through a website and read data. The purpose of the script is to essentially count the number of entries of a particular resource and send an AJAX request to an e-mail API and the user receives...
